  如有肥料相關事宜,請洽詢公司業務 陳廷威先生 電話0952-528898。

A. 作物可以直接由葉面吸收,並在植物細胞中可以迅速轉化利用。

B.  富含20餘種游離態氨基酸群、多種植物必需微量元素與綜合維他命群,可稀釋後直接噴施於植物葉部,吸收快速、抗逆防寒、優產高質、效果奇佳。

C.  富含抗自由基活性左旋性氨基酸群, 可有效強化細胞粒腺體活性定核酸結構,抗逆境防寒,抗老防衰,活化生理機能。

D. 強化植物體內生化活動,催活酵素反應及光合作用反應機制,加速生長發育。

E.  強健植物組織,抗逆防落,增加產量及品質。


The characteristics of amino acid fertilizer

A.  The crop can be absorbed by the leave directly, and can transform and utilize rapidly in the plant cell. 

B.  Rich in more than 20 kinds and dissociate attitude amino acid group, essential trace element of many kinds of plants and comprehensive vitamin group, can gush out and construct it in the plant leaf department directly after diluting, it is very good to absorb fast, resist against the winter protection, produce high quality, result excellently. 

C.  Rich to is it resist free radical active left amino acid group of fastenning etc. to include, can strengthen cell grains of gland body activation make the nucleic acid structure effectively, resist the winter protection of adverse circumstance, defend declining anti-ageingly, activate the physiological function. 

D.  Strengthen the biochemical activity in the body of plants, the ferment alive reacts and the photosynthesis reflect the mechanism to hasten, grow with higher speed. 

E.  Strong plant tissues, resist and go against and defend falling, increase the output and quality.



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